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DOCUMENTARY (Italy, 2012 length 9')



Five sequences evolve through places that remind of a space trip. It’s a journey across volumes and shapes, both inspired and absorbed by nature. Time stands still, frozen in a science fiction atmosphere. Humanity is rarefied: tiny life-forms come to life in this “rediscovered Atlantis” scenario.The soundtrack and sound design have been created ad hoc for this project by Chiara Luzzana. Through the use of modular synthesizers and analogue processors, she turned the original sounds of Olivetti machineries and environments into an audio path. The soundtrack weave an acoustic journey and arouses a feeling of “being there”. Every single sound embedded in this audio path is, in fact, a real sound that has been “caught” through precision microphones and then turned into music.

Supported by Adriano Olivetti Foundation.




(2013) Biennale di Architettura di Venezia, Padiglione Italia.

(2013) Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Mosca.

(2012) Filmmaker International Film Festival, Milano.

(2018) ICS, Istituto italiano di cultura di San Francisco

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